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Custom Finishing

Custom Finishing

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Get a professional and polished finish for your 3D printed parts with our custom finishing service.

Custom Finishing is a post-processing service offered by additive manufacturing providers to enhance the appearance, texture, and function of 3D printed parts. This can include sanding, polishing, painting, dyeing, and applying coatings or finishes to achieve a desired surface finish or color.

The service can also include the assembly of multiple parts or the addition of hardware or inserts to create a finished product. Custom finishing can be useful for creating prototypes, end-use parts, and consumer products.

The benefit of this service is that it provides customers with a fully finished and functional part, ready to be used or tested without the need for additional post-processing or assembly.

Get in touch

We don't just do 3D printing, we create value for our customers.

Connect with us today to learn more about our comprehensive Additive Manufacturing solutions.

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US +1 (915) 765-7515

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MX +52 (656) 756-8607

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