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Multi Jet Fusion

Multi Jet Fusion

Multi Jet Fusion

Multi Jet Fusion

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High-speed and High-precision 3D Printing Technology at a low cost.

Multi-jet fusion (MJF) is a 3D printing technology that uses a jetting system to deposit fusing and detailing agents on a bed of nylon powder. A heat source then fuses the powder to create a solid object layer by layer.

MJF offers several benefits, including high accuracy, smooth surface finishes, and fast printing speeds.

It is primarily used for:

- Producing end-use parts
- Functional prototypes
- Small-scale production runs
- Complex and organic geometries with fine features
- Parts requiring consistent isotropic mechanical properties

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We don't just do 3D printing, we create value for our customers.

Connect with us today to learn more about our comprehensive Additive Manufacturing solutions.

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US +1 (915) 765-7515

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MX +52 (656) 756-8607

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Developed by Alkemia Growth Lab®